May 28th 2025 (On-Line)

Time (Brazil) Course / Round Table Moderators / Speakers
07:55AM - 08:00AM Opening online - pre recorded
08:00AM - 09:05AM Table 1: Topical Oxygen, Hyperbaric Chamber and Larval Therapy in complex wounds
08:00AM - 08:15AM Topical Oxygen for complex wounds
08:15AM - 08:30AM Hyperbaric Chamber for complex wounds
08:30AM - 08:45AM Larval Therapy in complex patients
08:45AM - 09:05AM Discussion
09:05AM - 10:10AM Table 2: Burns - Disaster Management
09:05AM - 09:20AM Chile wildfires in 2024 - Hospital del Trabajador (Chile)
09:20AM - 09:35AM Kiss Nightclub Tragedy- Hospital Santa Cruz (Brazil)
09:35AM - 09:50AM Forest fires in Angola in 2024 - Hospital Girassol (Angola)
09:50AM - 10:10AM Discussion
10:10AM - 11:15AM Table 3: Dermal Matrices X Extracelular Matrices
10:10AM - 10:25AM
10:25AM - 10:40AM
10:40AM - 10:55AM
10:55AM - 11:15AM Discussion
11:15AM - 11:30AM Visit to the virtual stands of the Sobratafe platform and e-posters
11:30AM - 12:50PM Table 4: Impact of Nursing on the Treatment of Complex Wounds - A Global View.
Objective: To discuss the role of nurses in dealing with complex wounds.
Thematic axis: Experience wound care in different countries
11:30AM - 11:45AM
11:45AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 12:15PM
12:15PM - 12:30PM
12:30PM - 12:50PM Discussion
12:50PM - 02:00PM Lunch break and visit to the Sobratafe platform's virtual stands and e-posters
New Challenges for Tissue Banks Linda Guerrero, MD (Colombia)
02:00PM - 03:00PM Table 5: Minced Skin Graft
02:00PM - 02:15PM
02:15PM - 02:30PM
02:30PM - 02:45PM
02:45PM - 03:00PM
03:00PM - 03:20PM Discussion
03:20PM - 03:40PM Visit to the virtual stands of the Sobratafe platform and e-posters
03:40PM - 04:00PM Conference 1: Not the foot... Is the host
04:00PM - 04:20PM Wokshop 1
04:20PM - 05:25PM Table 6: Pressure Injury Update: Treatment, Coverage, New Guidelines, 2024/2025 (Brazil/ Portugal)
04:20PM - 04:35PM Nursing advances in the prevention of pressure ulcers in long-term surgeries
04:35PM - 04:50PM The importance of Nursing in approaching terminally ill patients. How far can we act?
04:50PM - 05:05PM Current approach to ulcers – Guidelines and new dressings
05:05PM - 05:25PM Discussion
05:25PM - 05:45PM Wokshop 2
05:45PM - 07:00PM Table 7: Diabetic Foot
05:45PM - 06:00PM
06:00PM - 06:15PM
06:15PM - 06:30PM
06:30PM - 07:00PM Discussion
07:00PM Release of pre-recorded conferences from SPONSORS and others

May 29th 2025 (Hybrid)

Time (Brazil) Course / Round Table Moderators / Speakers
08:00AM - 08:20AM Opening presencial
• Dr. Débora C. Sanches Pinto (President of Sobratafe)
• Prof. Dr Nivaldo Alonso (National President of SGAWCm 2025 – Experience)
• Prof Dr. Harikrishna K. R. Nair (International President of SGAWCm 2025 – Experience and President-Elect of WUWHS (World Care Societies)
08:20AM - 09:40AM Table 8: Diabetic foot: New technologies for the treatment of wounds, especially diabetic foot and infected lesions
08:20AM - 08:35AM
08:35AM - 08:50AM
08:50AM - 09:05AM
09:05AM - 09:20AM
09:20AM - 09:40AM Discussion
09:40AM - 10:00AM Conference 2- Diabetic foot - Early diagnosis / Consequences of insensitive foot / Treatment of underlying disease and rehabilitation - What's new?
10:00AM - 11:00AM Table 9: Venous ulcers
10:00AM - 10:15AM
10:15AM - 10:30AM
10:30AM - 10:45AM
10:45AM - 11:00AM Discussion
11:00AM - 11:20AM Visit to the stands and e-posters
11:20AM - 11:40AM Conference 3: Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in diabetic foot
11:40AM - 01:00PM Table 10: Negative pressure therapy: Up to date. How to use and how to choose
11:40AM - 11:50AM
11:50AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 12:10PM
12:10PM - 12:20PM
12:20PM - 12:30PM
12:30PM - 12:40PM
12:40PM - 12:50PM
12:50PM - 01:00PM Discussion
01:00PM - 02:00PM Break to lunch visit to the stands and e-posters (LUNCH MEETING)
02:00PM - 02:40PM Panel 1 – Consensus – Chronic Wounds and Use od antiseptics
02:00PM - 02:15PM Chronic wounds: Treatment consensus
Summary of the panel held by the Wound Healing Foundation (WHF) on the best definition and treatment of chronic wounds
02:15PM - 02:30PM Consensus - Use of wound antiseptics in practice
• Address the challenges and risks of infection in wound care
• Consider experiences and practice around the world 
• Provide an overview of the different antiseptics used in practice 
• Focus on cleansing alongside antisepsis
  • Provide guidance on the use of antiseptics in practice
• Reaffirm the importance of an antimicrobial stewardship-focused approach
02:30PM - 02:40PM Discussion
02:40PM - 03:00PM Wokshop 3
03:00PM - 04:20PM Table 11: Osteomyelitis
03:00PM - 03:15PM Treatment options for osteomyelitis in the foot
03:15PM - 03:30PM Clinical diagnosis and treatment
03:30PM - 03:45PM Update on the treatment of Charcot foot
03:45PM - 04:00PM Advanced radiological methods in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis - UP TO DATE
04:00PM - 04:20PM Discussion
04:20PM - 04:40PM Visit to the stands and e-posters
04:40PM - 06:00PM Table 12: New Technologies in Wound Treatment
04:40PM - 04:55PM Micrografting
04:55PM - 05:10PM Negative pressure without foam or gauze
05:10PM - 05:25PM Molecular Diagnosis in Wound Infections
05:25PM - 05:40PM Results with EGF (Heberprot-P) treatment in diabetic wounds
05:40PM - 06:00PM Discussion
06:00PM Release of pre-recorded conferences from SPONSORS and others
Time (Brazil) Course / Round Table Moderators / Speakers
08:00AM - 08:20AM Opening presencial - Room Dr. Walter Soares Pinto
• Dr. Débora C. Sanches Pinto (President of Sobratafe)
• Prof. Dr Nivaldo Alonso (National President of SGAWCm 2025 – Experience)
• Prof Dr. Harikrishna K. R. Nair (International President of SGAWCm 2025 – Experience and President-Elect of WUWHS (World Union of Advanced Wound Care Societies)
08:20AM - 11:00AM Module 50+: Quality of life, well-being and self-esteem – Part I
08:20AM - 08:50AM 1 - Nutrición y nutrología: mitos y verdades – Low carb
• Intermittent fasting
• Mediterranean diet
• Individual suitability
• Vitamins
• Probiotics
08:50AM - 09:20AM 2 - Hormone therapy
• How the hormonal axis acts and changes our body so that we can have a healthier life
• Hormone replacement therapy for men and women: yes, no and why?
09:20AM - 09:50AM 3 - Sports medicine - Definition of sedentary lifestyle
• How to get started?
• What should I know?
• How to choose the one that best suits me?
• Can I start at any age?
• The importance of a non-sedentary lifestyle in our lives
• How to preserve our joints and avoid fads and excesses that can be harmful
• What are the new special workout outfits? Do they improve performance?
• Supplements and hormones: When and how to use them? Are they beneficial?
09:50AM - 10:10AM Conference 4 - Excellence in Wound Care Research and Clinical Practice - Translational Research
Translational research is a process that seeks to connect discoveries from basic science with clinical investigation, in order to improve the health and longevity of populations
10:10AM - 10:30AM Workshop 4
10:30AM - 11:00AM Conference 5 - Would Healing Foundation: Emerging Research in Wound Science
11:00AM - 11:20AM Visit to the stands and e-posters
11:20AM - 12:40PM Table 13: Burns: peculiarities of the approach to pediatric and elderly
11:20AM - 11:40AM Peculiarities of the approach - pediatric
11:40AM - 12:00PM Peculiarities of the approach - elderly
12:00PM - 12:30PM Discussion
12:20PM - 01:00PM Conference 6 - Scarex
01:00PM - 02:00PM Break to lunch visit to the stands and e-posters (LUNCH MEETING)
02:00PM - 02:15PM Conference 7: Epidermolysis bullosa - Current affairs
02:15PM - 02:30PM Conference 8: laser therapy- What's new
02:30PM - 02:50PM Conference 9: Limb Regeneration – Updates
02:50PM - 04:20PM Conference 9: Limb Regeneration – Updates
02:50PM - 03:20PM 4 - Mental well-being
• Therapy: psychologists, psychiatrists, meditation, holistic approach
• What is Burnout and how to identify and treat it
• Depression, isolation and feeling of not being part of the whole: why do we have the impression that this has been progressively increasing?
03:20PM - 04:20PM 5 - Self-esteem
Dental, facial, hair and body procedures that we can perform, including regenerative medicine
04:20PM - 04:40PM Visit to the stands and e-posters
04:40PM - 06:00PM Presentation of free themes and e-posters - 10 free themes with 5 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes of evaluation. Presentation of posters on totems
06:00PM Release of pre-recorded conferences from SPONSORS and others

May 30th 2025 (Hybrid)

Time (Brazil) Course / Round Table Moderators / Speakers
08:00AM - 09:05AM Table 14: Burns – New technologies (bromelain, meek and others)
08:00AM - 08:15AM
08:15AM - 08:30AM
08:30AM - 08:45AM
08:45AM - 09:05AM Discussion
09:05AM - 09:20AM Conference 10 - Photobiomodulation (Red LED, blue LED, capillary and transcranial)
09:20AM - 09:40AM Workshop 5
09:40AM - 10:45AM Table 15: Regenerative Medicine - New Emerging Technologies for Skin Wound Regeneration
09:40AM - 09:55AM
09:55AM - 10:10AM
10:10AM - 10:25AM
10:25AM - 10:45AM Discussion
10:45AM - 11:05AM Conference 11: Negative pressure therapy – whats new
• President: Prof. Nivaldo Alonso
• Moderator: Dra Débora Cristina Sanches Pinto (Brazil)
11:05AM - 11:20AM Visit to the stands and e-posters
11:20AM - 12:40PM Table 16 - Regenerative Medicine
11:20AM - 11:35AM
11:35AM - 11:50AM
11:50AM - 12:05PM
12:05PM - 12:20PM A Surgical Technique for Flap Reconstruction of Pilonidal Disease using Extracellular Matrix Graft from Ovine Forestomach
12:20PM - 12:40PM Discussion
12:40PM - 01:00PM Workshop 6
01:00PM - 02:00PM Break to lunch visit to the stands and e-posters (LUNCH MEETING)
02:00PM - 03:20PM Table 17: Update on the approach to Ostomies in Stomas – Ureterostomies, jejunostomies, cystotomies, colostomies, ileostomies and peritoneostomies
02:00PM - 02:15PM
02:15PM - 02:30PM
02:30PM - 02:45PM
02:45PM - 03:05PM
03:05PM - 03:20PM Conference 12 - Severe infertility: new diagnostic tools – Prof Dr. Jorge Hallak
03:20PM - 04:20PM Wokshop 7 - MISSNER
04:20PM - 04:40PM Visit to the stands and e-posters
04:40PM - 06:00PM Course: Telemedicine - Update
Smart Homes / AI / Drones / 3D Printer / gpt chat: where we are and where we will go / New gadgets for telediagnosis and telepropaedeutics
06:00PM Release of pre-recorded conferences from SPONSORS and others
Time (Brazil) Course / Round Table Moderators / Speakers
08:00AM - 09:40AM Table 18 - Craniofacial and cleft surgery
08:00AM - 08:15AM
08:15AM - 08:30AM
08:30AM - 08:45AM
08:45AM - 09:00AM Discussion
09:00AM - 09:40AM Panel 2 - The use of acellular fish skin grafts in burns - Tilápia e Codfish
09:40AM - 11:00AM Module – What’s coming up
09:40AM - 09:48AM
09:48AM - 09:56AM
09:56AM - 10:04AM
10:04AM - 10:12AM
10:12AM - 10:20AM
10:20AM - 10:28AM
10:28AM - 10:36AM
10:36AM - 10:44AM
10:44AM - 10:52AM
10:52AM - 11:00AM
11:00AM - 11:20AM Visit to the stands and e-posters
Publicity of the Prof Dr. Harikrishna K. R. Nair books, sales and autographs
11:20AM - 12:40PM Table 19: Miscellaneous
11:20AM - 11:35AM Shock waves
11:35AM - 11:50AM Podiatric care on diabetic feet
11:50AM - 12:05PM Ozone therapy for chronic pain
12:05PM - 12:20PM Low-power laser therapy
12:20PM - 12:40PM Discussion
12:40PM - 01:00PM Panel 3 - Larval Therapy
01:00PM - 02:00PM Break to lunch visit to the stands and e-posters (LUNCH MEETING)
02:00PM - 03:05PM Table 20: Oncological lesions - differential diagnosis new perspectives
02:00PM - 02:15PM
02:15PM - 02:30PM
02:30PM - 02:45PM
02:45PM - 03:05PM Discussion
03:05PM - 04:20PM Table 21: Controversies: Medicinal use of cannabidiol
03:05PM - 03:20PM
03:20PM - 03:35PM
03:35PM - 03:50PM
04:00PM - 04:20PM Discussion
04:20PM - 04:40PM Conference 13 - There is life beyond medicine
04:20PM - 04:40PM Mara Blank's book launch in the lobby
04:40PM - 06:00PM Tributes - visit to the stands and e-posters - Awards ceremony - Closing